Friday, May 22, 2015

The Great Conspiracy.

Michael Moss.

Two books have changed the way I have been looking at people and the food they eat. I'm talking about North America here. Ty Bollinger's book on the "Causes and Cures of Cancer" and "Salt, Sugar and Fat" by Michael Moss.
What Bollinger and Moss say in their books has both illuminated and disturbed me.

Ty Bollinger

Both men speak of the conspiracy that exists at the highest level of government and industry to keep America fat and to suppress the necessary ways to remedy the situation: to address the plague of obesity in the land and to bring alternative treatments to the great cultural disease of our time, cancer.
Accordingly, I am going to do a series of posts that summarizes the findings of these two authors and hopefully help a few people who may be facing health challenges at this moment.
Let me introduce to you therefore, Michael Moss and Todd Bollinger, and, in coming days, the essence of their research.
Stay posted.