Thursday, June 11, 2015

Health and the chemical fix.

From January to March of this year I noted down the names of various drugs marketed by T.V. Commercials during the News Hour here in Canada. I stopped listing when I reached a hundred names.
Here are some of them: Spiriva (COPD), Stelara (Bladder calm) Humira (Joint pain) Dukarol (Loose bowels) Immodium  ( Constipation) Biotine (Dry mouth) Prevnar (Pneumonia) Xarelto (Stroke) Jublia (Toe-nail fungus) Namenda (anti-aging) there are another 90 names and aliments besides these listed.
Among the caveats are the following. This medication can cause: bloating, suicidal thoughts, temporary dizziness, blurring of the vision, swelling of the face and tongue, skin rash and itchiness, increased blood-pressure, palpitations of the heart, urinary and bladder problems, panic attacks and insomnia. If you experience any of these symptoms contact your doctor immediately.
I ask you!
Never once did these pill pedlars mention that life-style or poor nutrition might be the cause of the problem and that exercise and change in diet might be the solution. Absolutely not.
The pharmaceutical companies are not really committed to solving ANY health problems. They want to sell as many pills as possible and keep people popping them.
So if we don't look to the drug store for our health answers where do we look?
I will be attempting to answer that question as this series continues.

Jubilate ( that's a pill for joy)
