Friday, February 19, 2016

Seconds out! Round Two. Manny versus the rest.

Rather than back away from his comments on the unnaturalness of homo-sexuality, Manny Paquiao has doubled down on his position in an interview on Philippine Television.
While he retracted his comment that "homo-sexuals are worse than animals." Paquaio stated that he had no intention of saying other than what the Bible and nature clearly declare. That same sex relations represent an unnatural and disordered life-style.
To back this up he rightly quoted from the Book of Levitcus in the Old Testament and from the Corinthian epistle in the New that put God's thoughts on the matter beyond doubt.
Namely that such practices are "detestable in the sight of the Lord."
He concluded his interview by saying "I am happy with God on my side."
He should also be happy that 80% of the nation of Philippines is also on his side (that is about 80 million people by the way).
Figures like this should help him in his bid for a seat on the senate as a step towards his future bid for the Presidency.
That Nike sportswear has withdrawn their sponsorship from this outspoken athlete, does not seem to have concerned dear Manny in the slightest. Why should it? He is reputedly worth about a billion dollars and is rich enough to thumb his nose at whoever he pleases: with the exception of Jesus that is.
