Monday, March 28, 2016


You may or may not have read the news. Yesterday, Palmyra, sometimes called the "Pearl of the desert" was re-captured by the Syrian Army. This ancient city, renowned for its well preserved Roman ruins, was over-run by Isis two years ago.
These Islamic criminals set about destroying irreplaceable heritage and carted off priceless artifacts while the world's historians cried out in anguish at the brutality of it all.
The West was especially vocal about this wanton destruction, in fact they were more concerned about these ruins than they were about the ancient Christian communities that were being virtually wiped out in the onslaught of Isis.
But Lo! A wonderful turn of events. Palmyra has been liberated and Isis are on the run.
And are the Western leaders rejoicing along with the archaeologists?
Not that I or you have heard. Why the silence?
Because this notable victory was achieved in concert with the Russians under the redoubtable leadership of Vladimir Putin.
Putin, is not only the patron of President Assad but is also the avowed protector of ALL christian communities whether Yazidi, Coptic, Druze or Eastern Orthodox, and is the de facto defender of the True Faith.
Then why does he receive no acknowledgement or praise from the leaders of the Christian West?
The answer to that question I will leave all unprejudiced minds to supply.
