Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Enter the New Prime Minister

Having campaigned against the exit of Britain from the European Union, David Cameron made his own exit from his office of Prime Minister. It was a sudden one and, just as quickly, he was replaced this afternoon by Theresa May his erstwhile right hand lady who has been duly given the keys to # 10 Downing Street.
How strange that first ladies are appearing everywhere: Nicola Sturgeon, head of the Scottish Nationalist Party, Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany and Theresa herself, now Prime Minister of the U.K.
Back in the days of the Ancient Greeks there were three goddesses that led the nation a merry dance. They had fine names as well:
Fate, Fury and Fortune.
It remains to be seen what will be reserved in the future for my home and native land but let us earnestly hope that it is more in the way of good Fortune than sinister Fate or Fury.
I, for one, do not envy Theresa in her new job.
Words of Sir Walter Scott come to mind which  he penned many years ago concerning the rule of people. Allow me to quote them.

" Who o'er the herd would wish to reign,
Fantastic, fickle, fierce and vain?
Vain as the leaf upon the stream,
And fickle as a changeful dream;
Fantastic as a woman's mood,
And fierce as Frenzied fevered blood.
Thou many-headed monster thing.
O who would wish to be thy king?"

Stay tuned, its going to be an interesting ride.

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