Monday, January 30, 2017

Destination: New Zealand.

The shock waves of the U.S. 2016 election are being felt around the world. Call it  an earthquake or a tsunami. the reverberations from the Trump victory are now arriving on the shores of the antipodes. New Zealand of all places is now becoming a most favoured place of refuge from the horrors of living in Trumpland.
              Usually the immigration department in Aukland will deal with around 2500 applications a month from would-be immigrants. Last month there were 88,000, mostly from America.
Considering the distances involved, New Zealand would represent one of the four corners of the Earth. The only land South of there would be Antarctica.
Here is a country little known to the rest of the world with a population of about five million, a temperate climate, peaceful, rural and with beaches in the North and spectacular mountains in the South. Here the sheep outnumber the humans by three to one. What better haven to flee to for people in fear of their lives and their future?
Well, there may be a small problem for those used to earning sky high salaries in Silicon Valley to take up sheep shearing. Also it is likely that  these intrepid trail blazers have never heard of the game of cricket or seen a game of Rugby Union.
If these are just two of the minor adjustments that would have to be made, I would advise these 88,000 malcontents to stay where there are and hope for better things in election 2020.
When I was baptized in England fifty years ago, I received this promise from the Bible. "Contentment with godliness is great gain." I have found that to be universally true in my life wherever I have lived, what ever the circumstances I have found myself in and whoever might have been the current president.


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