Thursday, February 2, 2017

Neil Gorsuch. Why all hell has broken loose.

Yesterday POTUS (Donald Trump ) introduced Neil Gorsuch as his pick for the United States Supreme Court. He is destined to replace the late Anthony Scalia a man who fulfilled his role with great wisdom and dignity. Gorsuch, educated at Columbia and Harvard University and later at Oxford, is a man of a similar brilliant intellect to Scalia and of wide experience on the bench.
He is a superb choice to fill the vacancy at the Supreme Court.
Why then  are the democrats in the Senate, vowing almost to a man, to block his nomination?
The probable answer is given to us in photo shown above. It is of President Trump and his staff praying with Gorsuch for God's blessing and guidance. That single fact alone, Gorsuch being a committed Christian, has been enough to give the liberals heart-burn.
What right has a committed Christian to sit as a Judge in the High Court! Why, his faith might ACTUALLY INFLUENCE HIS DECISIONS.
Yes, and that is the very point. Expect the WORD of GOD to be brought to bear on such matters as abortion, homo-sexual marriage and the freedom of businesses to refuse to provide birth control means to their employees.
The days of the oppression of legislated sodomy are about to come to an end and, wait for it, we may even have prayer reintroduced into public schools. And who would argue with that.?


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