Tuesday, October 24, 2017

King Bhut's Funeral

Unless you actually spend an hour of practice with his name you will not be able to pronounce it. But King Bhutiubol Adulyadei won't mind: he has been dead for over a year. The posthumous king of Thailand has been waiting for his funeral. Embalmed in state he is about to be transferred to the crematorium.
This is no ordinary fire box. It has been a year in the making. Thousands of workers have constructed a mighty pagoda with associated  minarets. There are statues of Bhudda,  painted clay lions  and arrays of dragons and other surreal creatures. In their own minds they are constructing heaven. 
The costs runs into multiplied millions. To top off the event, as the king goes into the flames on his golden chariot, will be teams of dancing girls and a professional puppeteer with a cast that would put Sesame Street to shame.
All for what? 
A funeral extravaganza that has depleted the national coffers of Thailand by hundreds of millions all to go up in smoke in a matter of minutes.
But, there again folks, if you believe in pagan nonsense that says we will all be absorbed back into the universe to be recycled in a higher state, that's the sort of money you have to pay.
My wife Pauline and I have $500.00 plots in a country grave yard where we will spend a few quiet years before the resurrection of the dead. John 14:16 tells us that we are headed for a wonderful place where we will be spending eternity with a lot of our friends.... and best of all there is room for more.
Why don't you book your own place today by believing in Jesus Christ?

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