Monday, January 3, 2011

Try to keep the speed limits.

About ten years ago I was driving down the Salt River Gorge on my way to preach in Tucson in Arizona.

I had left Grants, New Mexico, late one Sunday evening and it was now about two in the morning. It was a road full of twists and turns and steep as well. Suddenly I went into a bend at speed. With brakes squealing and tires smoking I managed to stay on the road all the while looking at a 500-foot sheer drop to the valley floor. I had been going too fast and had over-driven my headlights.

If I had gone over the edge Pauline, my wife, might well have sniffed and said “Just the way I expected he would have gone!”

But seriously, how does this story fit into our theme of looking ahead into the New Year?

Well, we can all PLAN for the year ahead but we can’t SEE the year ahead. For the road that we can see before us, go forward with confidence in God; for what we cannot see trust Him but don’t over-drive your headlights.

In His own way and His own time God will do all things well.

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