Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Windows on God's World: The Throne of God

Yesterday we looked through the portal of the Cross of Christ which speaks so eloquently of the Love of God.
Today we are given a glimpse of His Throne.
As Revelation chapter three closes, we see the Apostle John feeling depressed. Small wonder. The seven churches are in a mess and he is imprisoned for his faith on the Isle of Patmos.

Suddenly he sees a door opened to heaven and hears a voice calling him upwards.
Beyond the door he is greeted by a full view of the Throne of God.

Immediately his depression vanishes for he understands that nothing is by chance and that God is in charge.

For the next five chapters he describes scenes and vistas of heaven and treats us to a story line that Hollywood could not remotely approach.

Feeling downcast today?


There is an H.Q. to the universe, the nations are under His control and you are part of His master plan.

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