Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Inspiration before instruction

Yesterday I was jogging round the local track. It's a challenge to tie up my runners, drive down there and put in my forty minutes. However, along with the obvious benefits, I meet a lot of interesting people.

Last night it was a group of vibrant teenagers. They hailed me from the middle of the field as I was chugging past.

I pulled over and took ten minutes to harangue them and then forged on, but not before I was given a spontaneous ovation for my off-the-cuff lesson.

What had I said that gained their attention?

1) That all educators should INSPIRE as well as instruct.

2)That at 72 I had already run across Canada and was on my way back, and that my son was about to finish his own cross continent run.

3) That they should each rise to the challenge of being all that they could be.

4)That with God's help they should each use their energy and talents to change their world for good.

The last line  belonged to them.


Words that helped me do an extra mile with a smile on my face.


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