Monday, November 7, 2011

Another dose of political correctness.

One of our truly unique canadian characters is John Crosbie, Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland.

He found himself in hotwater last week for making the following joke at a public dinner.

Let me quote him.

"The other day I was depressed thinking of the economy, the state of my health, my savings. my social security and everything else so I called the suicide hotline and got a call centre in Pakistan. When I told them I was suicidal they got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck."

The politically correct crowd  were immediately galvanized and aired their views on T.V, radio and in the press under the general heading of


They failed to mention that prior to this quip about suicide bombers Crosbie had spent several minutes insulting himself and fellow islanders with "Newfie" jokes.

Thus we have the first two targets of all politically correct bile: namely,the real truth and a sense of humor.

May God deliver us from us from such stupidity and those who propagate it.


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