Tuesday, November 8, 2011

When a BIG TREE falls.


This is a truly awesome 15 seconds video of a forest giant hitting the ground in Nothern California last month.

As you can see, when a big tree falls others crash with it.

So it will be when Italy, with a 2.6 TRILLION dollar debt, falls as the latest victim to the sovereign debt crisis in Europe.

Firstly other nations like Ireland, Spain and Portugal will go down, along with banks and smaller lending institutions and lastly, as the undergrowth is reached, millions of individual investors will be crushed in the fall. 

In July, when I first voiced the prospect of a Greek default, many of our readers were sceptical. Now the spectre is all too real.

But Italy is simply too big to fail!

I do not doubt that many people said that of the thousand year old Dyersville Sequoia. Yet in fifteen seconds the grand old lady shook, tottered and then slowly fell in a crash heard three miles away.

Which leaves the question:

 "Where is there a safe place to make our life investment."

The only place that I know is the one given by Jesus when He said: "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth which are easily lost, but lay up treasures in Heaven which will last for eternity"

Your breakfast thought for the day.


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