Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Phew: a near miss!

I hope you slept well last night. Had asteroid YU 55 been a fraction closer to earth in its 200 year orbit none of us would have slept at all.

This mighty behemoth, bigger than an aircraft carrier and traveling at 35,000 MPH, would have created a 20 ft tsunami wave had it plunged into the ocean.

But it missed us and won't be in our postal area until 2211, so we can all breathe easier.

By the way there won't be any inter planetary collision any time soon despite what Hollywood might cook up.

God happened to place the huge gas planet Jupiter towards the outer reaches of the solar system.

It's immense gravitational field sweeps up the really big stuff as it enters our neighborhood and keeps little old Earth safe under its protection.

Nice to know that we have a big brother as well as a Heavenly Father looking out for us!


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