Thursday, February 2, 2012

The scientists: Francis Collins

It was largely regarded as the break through of the century in Bio-Technology when the human genome was finally mapped in 2000.

Here at last was given the sequence for all the three billion base-pairs of genes that make up human uniqueness.

 Collins and his partner, Craig Ventner, had been working to crack the code for years; they did so on the 50th anniversary of Wilson and Crick's publication of the structure of D.N.A.

Now the way was open for the cure for such genetic diseases as cystic fibrosis, Huntington's disease and a host of other chromosome abnormalities.

In honor of their work Collins and Ventner were presented with:

"America's Best Leaders" award along with the "Presidential Medal of Freedom"

From being an atheist at graduate school, Collins underwent a dramatic transformation through his studies and his involvement with
dying patients. His final steps to faith in Christ were a long walk in the woods alone and  his reading of "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

He is now one of the foremost, eloquent advocates of his faith and his book "The Language of God" was a New York Times best seller for over a year.

Just in case you think that Christianity is for old ladies and people who can't think for themselves, I challenge you get a copy of the
"Language of God" and to go for a long walk in the woods alone.

I'll be happy to publish your responses on B.W.I.



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