Sunday, May 6, 2012

Miracles still happen

We have had Jose Henriques visiting our country over the weekend.
He is the man who held daily church at 2000 feet underground after the rock fall in the San Hose mine in Chile.

It's hard to believe that the miraculous rescue of 33 miners took place over 18 months ago.

Henriques is travelling the world with his testimony that God hears and answers prayer and he is willing to go anywhere.

 From a venue such as Durham Cathedral to the smallest of house groups, his message is unvaried.

God still works miracles.

And who wouldn't believe that He does after he and his friends were pulled out of their tomb after 70 days underground.

Twenty seven of the group who went into the mine for their fateful shift emerged two months later glad to be alive and praising God.

Said the shift captain:

"I was with God and I was with the devil. But God won. I held God's Hand. It was the best Hand and He brought me through."

Albert Einstein said: " Either there are NO miracles or life is one continual miracle"

Listening to people like Hose Henriques will help you make the right choice.



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