Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Man with the Million Dollar Arm.

It goes beyond anything that my mind or mathematics can conceive. 
That anyone could write up a seven year contract for $258,000,000.  for throwing a baseball!

But, at the tender age of 26, that is exactly what Clayton Kershaw has done with the L.A. Dodgers.

Someone given to statistics has reduced that figure to $10,476;00 for every time he throws a pitch.

"How can this possibly be?" I asked my wife, Pauline. "It simply does not make sense."

I then went to GOOGLE, my unfailing source of information on everything, and read that young Clayton and his wife Ellen, as childhood sweethearts, committed their lives to Christ before ever he was involved in pro-baseball. 

It was then that they made their life mission to live out their passion for God in helping others less fortunate than themselves both ON and OFF the field.

Well it looks as if God knew who to entrust the money with.
Clayton and Ellen have founded The Kershaw Challenge, opened orphanages in Zambia, have put their entire salary into the hands of Jesus Christ and are seeing it multiplied like the loaves and fishes to the back rows of humanity around the world.

Hallelujah for Clayton and Ellen!
