Thursday, November 16, 2017

Madman Manson is Done and Almost Dusted

Charles Manson, leader of the notorious killing cult called the Manson family is currently clinging to life in a California hospital, not expected to live out the week. When he is gone he really will be dusted, in a crematorium and the ashes will be scattered where they cannot be collected and made into a shrine by the crazoids out there.
In the late 1960's Manson had gathered around him a band of groupies who came under his evil, hypnotic influence. These stooges were sent out on killing expeditions under the name of "Helter Skelter",  a term taken from one of the Beatles songs. The most ghastly of the family's executions was the murder of the actress Sharon Tate, who at the time was eight months pregnant, and four others who were with her in the house.
Since no mercy was granted to the victims of the crimes and no remorse shown when the gang were arrested and tried, there was no mercy granted when they were sentenced. The verdict of guilty was followed by life imprisonment without our parole.
Manson, himself, in later interviews showed not a tinge of regret for sending his followers on their death errands.
"I laid down the rails and they ran on them" He boasted. "I piped the music and they danced to the tunes."
How complete can a cult leader's control be?  With only a couple of exceptions, the members of the 'family' remain in custody to this day. Thankfully one of them, Tex Watson, has made his peace with God and founded a prison ministry called " Love Abounding".
As for the rest, we trust that they will avail themselves of God's offer of forgiveness through His Son Jesus. There is room in His "Forever " Family even for them.



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